
Video Marketing

It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Let alone a video, this is the foundation of video marketing, a powerful form of marketing that effectively engages your audience in your marketing campaigns.

Video marketing uses videos to promote and market your products or services, increase engagement on your digital and social channels, educate consumers and customers, and reach your audience in a new way.

Video marketing is an emotionally engaging way for brands to connect with customers and capture their attention in a digitally burdened world.

The Importance of Video Marketing

The use of video as part of marketing is gaining a lot of momentum across businesses of all sizes, including entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Surveys found that videos helped businesses increase:

  1. 70% brand awareness
  2. 51% traffic
  3. 34% sales

Video marketing began in earnest in 2005 with the launch of YouTube. Google bought YouTube in October 2006, and by 2009 there were seven different ad formats on the platform.

As the technology of creating high-quality videos has become easier, it has become more and more popular with marketers. But that’s not the only reason why video is the dominant form of communication today.

The reasons for its importance are:

1) There has been the rise of smartphone technology that has made watching videos easier and more convenient. Then the Corona pandemic increased online media consumption by 215%.

It also progressed rapidly until 2022, and the audience spends an average of 19 hours a week watching videos online. Ignoring video marketing is no longer an option for brands that want to stand out.

2) Video marketing encourages social media posts.

Video is the second most popular type of content on social media to increase your engagement.

Platforms like YouTube and TikTok have always been all about video. And platforms such as Instagram and Facebook are focusing on video.

Even platforms that don’t offer native video uploads underline the value of video marketing.

Tweets on Twitter get 10x more engagement.
68% of video marketers plan to use LinkedIn video this year.
People watch nearly a billion videos every day on Pinterest.

3) Video marketing improves search engines and boosts conversions and sales.

31% of marketers add videos for SEO. Increased visibility of websites in search engines occurs when the video is added because it increases the quality of the page and the time that visitors spend on the page.

4) Video marketing is great for educating and building trust.

What are the benefits of video marketing?

With access to faster networks, companies are using more and more videos to interact with their customers. Many companies, and possibly your competitors as well, use videos to help get engagement from their audiences.

Why should you use videos in your social media posts?

  1. So you can stay visible for longer on the main pages of social networking sites.
  2. You will also get more visibility and engagement.
  3. Increase understanding of your product.
  4. To distinguish more.
  5. Offer a more elegant way to interact with your audience.
  6. It is a powerful sales tool.
  7. You get a higher rank in the search.
  8. Its popularity is growing across platforms.

Types of Marketing Videos

1) Demo video

Explainer videos show how your product works – whether that’s taking viewers on a tour of your show or opening and testing the product.

2) Brand videos

The goal of brand videos is to build awareness about your company and to interest and engage your target audience.

3) Videos of the events

Does your business host a conference, topic discussion, fundraising, or some other type of event? Produce a special clip or launch interesting interviews and presentations from the event.

4) Expert interviews

Interviewing internal experts or thought leaders, in your field is a great way to build trust and authority with your target audience. Find influencers in your field and put these discussions in front of your audience.

5) Explanation videos

This type of video can help your audience better understand why they need your product or service. Several explainer videos focus on the fictional journey of a company’s core buyer persona who is in trouble. This person overcomes the problem by adopting or buying a business solution.

6) Animated videos

Apple created this animated video to share its goal of carbon neutrality.

7) Make videos for case studies and customer testimonials

Customers want to know that your product can solve their specific problems.

8) Live video

Live video gives viewers a special behind-the-scenes look at your company. It also attracts longer streams and higher engagement rates.

9) Augmented reality videos

in the end

If you haven’t started video marketing yet, now is the time. With the waning effectiveness of traditional marketing and the increase in the popularity of video, video marketing has become a must for every business.

Video marketing presents a unique opportunity for brands. As consumers continue to prefer video over other forms of content, they now expect brands of all sizes and in every industry to connect with them using video.

Trust us, there is a lot to take in but .this article should be your first step towards an effective and profitable video marketing strategy that will change the way your company views video.

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